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The Challenge

Take control of a wildlife reserve in crisis and save an endangered species!


Conservation Crisis is an educational family board game about wildlife conservation.


You receive a $100,000 grant each round and have to choose which projects to build and staff to hire to rebuild your reserve and keep your wildlife safe.


Everything in the game is based on real-life conservation, based on the research and experience of our in-house conservation expert Dr Rich.


The more you play, the more of a conservation expert you will become...

The wildlife-themed family board game Conservation Crisis on a wooden table ready to play

Playing the Game

Both the Conservation Crisis board game and online app are designed for all ages 7+.


The board game is designed for 2-4 players and makes a great game for families to play, and the online app is single-player so you can play anytime, anywhere.​


Just like in real-life, you have a limited amount of money and you have to decide how best to save wildlife.


Will you run projects to win the support of local communities, or hire rangers to stop poachers?


And will you invest in tourist lodges to generate more funding for your reserve, or put more money into your Crisis Fund to make sure your reserve is safe when a disaster strikes?

Hints and Tips

Make sure you spend all of your money before you reach HQ - if you haven't spent all of your grant, you won't receive another $100,000, just like in real life.


​Try to always have money in your Crisis Fund so you are ready if and when disaster strikes.


Local communities are key to protecting wildlife, so try to win their support - building schools, livelihood schemes and wildlife fences all help.


Rangers are conservation's frontline heroes, the green barrier that stops poachers and keeps wildlife safe, so be sure to hire them and treat them well.


Think very carefully before choosing to pay a bribe! Paying a bribe helps you get to the places you need to go quicker, but it can come back to hurt you later in the game.

The educational family board game Conservation Crisis being setup ready to play with the family

Real-Life Conservation

Conservation Crisis is an educational game (as well as being great fun to play!), so everything in the game is based on real-life.


We showcased the game at the 2018 London Illegal Wildlife Conference to help raise awareness about the damage caused by the loss of wildlife, and Dr Rich has used the game to teach people all over the world about conservation.


We think it's really important not just to raise awareness about a problem, but also to help solve it, so we include a donation to each of our four partner charities from every game sold and app downloaded.


So when you play Conservation Crisis you are saving wildlife in the game and in real life as well!

Tunza Games Pic and Text Logo.jpg

PSSSST! Bribes are as Bad as a Bored Baboon Banging a Bin Bellicosely (if you’ve ever heard that happen, you’ll know how bad it is!)


That’s why we have the following statement about them:

Within the game there is the option to pay a ‘Bribe’ and take a bribe card. This mechanic exists in the game to address an important topic and educate players about the dangers and harms caused by corruption. It does NOT condone or encourage the payment of bribes in real life. Please note that Tunza Games Ltd and all of the charities we support take a zero tolerance approach to bribery and are totally AGAINST the payment or receipt of bribes in any form.


Corruption and bribery are criminal offences under current UK legislation. In accordance with the current provisions of the Bribery Act 2010 It is illegal to offer, promise, give, request, agree receive or accept bribes. It is also illegal to give, promise to give, or offer a gift or hospitality with the expectation or hope that a business advantage will be received or to reward a business advantage already given. All businesses should be conducted in an honest and ethical manner and should be committed to act professionally, fairly and with integrity in all relationships and dealings. All businesses should implement and enforce effective systems to counter bribery. Bribery and corruption are punishable for individuals by up to ten years' imprisonment and an unlimited fine. It is also now an offence for an organisation to fail to prevent bribery. There are a whole raft of penalties and fines applicable to an organisation and its senior officers if found to have breached the provisions of the Bribery Act 2010.  

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